Saturday, January 5, 2008

Open letter on disenfranchisement in the Michigan Primary

To: the Democratic and Republican parties

In the past, I have considered myself independent. For example, I have voted for both Democratic and Republican candidates for President in the past, based on their individual merits. This may change soon, based on your actions.

You have until January 14, 2008 to resolve the threatened disenfranchisement of the Michigan primary voters. Satisfactory resolutions would include either of the following:

1. Your national party unambiguously withdraws the threat to punish the Michigan voters. Vague and unenforceable promises by the candidates to seat the Michigan delegates are not sufficient, since the candidates may break these promises if the convention vote ends up being close.

2. Your Michigan state party manages to move the primary back to February, thus making your threat moot.

On January 15th, if the Democrats have done a better job of resolving this crisis than the Republicans, I will vote a straight Democratic ticket for the next 20 years, at least in the usual case where there is no viable third-party candidate. If the Republicans have done a better job than the Democrats, I will vote a straight Republican ticket for the next 20 years, at least in the usual case where there is no viable third-party candidate.

Note that, if the current "status quo" continues, I will end up voting a straight Republican ticket, as the current Republican Party compromise of cutting the delegate count in half is marginally superior to the current Democratic Party threat of total disenfranchisement.


Rolf Nelson

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